Our Ministry of Love
So many questions we have on how to live our life, on how to relate to others, on how to make decisions. I have struggled with them all. They have dominated my thoughts and I have certainly had more than a few sleepless nights. And yet Jesus’ answer to our questions about how to live out our days is simple.
“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. “ John 13:34
Can we do this on our own? I know I have difficulty loving some people. Jesus did not say to love only those we want to love. He said love one another – as I have loved you. The love that holds no conditions, accepts you as you are, forgives all hurts, holds no grudges. That’s the way God sees and loves us. Washed clean by the blood of Jesus. He loves us and died for us. Each one of us.
So as Jesus is about to give the ultimate sacrifice of love, His death on the cross, He gives the disciples (us) a command. “As I have loved you, you must love one another.” Why? V35 “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.
We are His greatest witness by the love we chose to give one another. Receiving His love and overflowing to others.
Jesus, thank you for loving me so that I can give that love to others.