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A Woman of noble character

Writer's picture: alicepongraczalicepongracz

A Woman of Noble Character (Ruth 3:11)

This Mother’s Day I want to honor all the women in our lives. I love the saying that it “takes a village to raise up a child”. That village is made up of influential women and men.

Today, I honor the women of noble character who influences our lives. She has many names beginning with…

Mom…teacher. “…do not forsake your mother’s teachings.” Proverbs 1:8. How can we forget her teachings. Among all the roles of a mom, teacher is woven through them all. God must have made our brains to forever imbed our mother’s voice in our memories. No matter where I’ve gone or no matter how long my mom has been gone, I hear her teachings, her wisdom and am blessed. So much to teach and so little time.

Granny…believer. “…but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.” Proverbs 31:30. The first woman to tell me about God and His love was my granny. As she grew older and quieter, she became our family prayer warrior. What a beautiful influence she had in our lives! Prayer is the greatest gift we can give our family.

Mother-n-law (in love) – encourager. Ruth’s response to her mother-n-law, “…where you go, I will go. Where you stay, I will stay. Your people will be my people, your God will be my God.” Ruth 1:16. Our spouse’s mother has a special pace in our lives. She raised your spouse and holds a loving place in their heart. Now that my children have married, I am blessed to have this place of being an encourager in their spouse’s life. For some mother-n-laws, you may be the only mother to your children-n-love. Rise to the occasion and take the place God gave you.

Sister – a treasure. Your friend for life and keeper of secrets. You have a place in their life to care for each other and care for your parents. That special bond that no one else can understand.

Aunt – spoiler alert! No one spoils a child like an aunt. Or takes you on adventures that your parents would cringe about. Someone to hear your secrets and guides you in the way of truth in a way your mom can’t. Someone who shows up and just loves you for who you are.

“Mom” (other mom) – listener. I lost count of how many have called me “mom”, and it’s been an honor and a responsibility. I had a few “moms” in my life that fed me, listened to me and spoke into my life. My children have had very special “moms” in their lives too, and I thank God for the love they gave my children…and still do. “Likewise, teach the elder women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. Then they can urge the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God.” Titus 2:3-5. Open home…open heart…a role so needed by many.

Friend – accountability partner. This may be the person you’ve gone on adventures with, but she is also the one who will call you up short when needed. She knows you and you’re so glad she does. She’s your “sister” and someone you can count on. That person you can say “pray for me” and know she will stop and pray – sometimes with no questions asked.

The list goes on – mentor, neighbor, etc. Be blessed by these women in your life.

For some, you have all these beautiful women of noble character in your life. For those who don’t have a mother to celebrate on Mother’s Day, celebrate one of these other women in your life. God has blessed you to be a part of the village called the family of God.

Happy Mother’s Day and celebration of the women in your life.

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